+91-8302218135 akshayschoolkota@gmail.com
Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities
Spoken English & Personality Development Sessions - Education is incomplete without confidence and the correct attitude. We at Alok School provides a personality development sessions where students are imparted training on Spoken English, Improving Communication Skills like talking, body language, etiquette and listening, which are considered to be the essence of a finishing school. We lay emphasis on developing effective communication skills, from the pre-primary classes onwards.
Music & Dance Sessions- Children naturally love music and dance. Music and Dance provides a creative outlet for the students as It is the most relaxing diversion in our stressful life. The students are encouraged to use dance and music both vocal and instrumental in expressing their creativity and talent. We at Alok School starts these activities right from the class Nursery and continues up to class 12th We also conduct individual / group singing competitions among students.
Sport Sessions – At Alok School, we lay a strong emphasis on sports and physical development. Sports today has evolved as a form of entertainment and also offers promising careers. Our sports curriculum is planned and designed for students to develop and enhance skills like strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility, control, balance etc Our physical teachers are young and energetic with a good amount of expertise in sports and provide coaching for sports like football, basketball, volleyball etc.
Public Speaking – In the highly competitive world of today, children need to learn to be better communicators. Introducing them to public speaking from an early age gives them an advantage. Here at Alok School they learn the art of expressing opinions on a series of topics, as to tone their oral language skills through diction, voice modulation etc. in addition, other similar activities like extempore, debate etc. are also taken up side by side to make students even better communicators.
Taek-Wondo –. We at Alok School arrange Taekwondo sessions for all girls & boys students. Taekwondo strengthens mental and physical strength. It also gives a sense of self-discipline at an early stage of life.
Moral and Value Education Sessions - Moral and Value Education is an important part of schooling. It is much needed in today’s world. As stress buster and to remain motivated toward the goal, we keep on arranging such sessions on regular intervals.
Workshops & Seminars for Students and their Parents - Education is only complete when there is a full involvement of the teacher, the student along with their parents. We at Alok School, believe in working in collaboration with our students and parent fraternity. So in order to orient them about the upcoming curriculum, latest trends in education, various National & International level competitive examinations, achievements, motivation etc. periodic workshops are held. Such interactions bring about clarity of the progress of academics in class and also enable parents to monitor their child’s work regularly.
Yoga and Physical Exercise – At Alok School we arrange weekly Yoga classes for the students. Flexibility of body and mental peace are some of the key benefits of regular yoga. Yoga is accepted worldwide as one of the most effective form of exercise to influence the mental control. Yoga is a compulsory activity at Alok School. A qualified yoga trainer imparts basic yoga knowledge to all the all the students.
Career Counseling Sessions - A school counsellor helps children in all ways, be it academic, social, behavioral or emotional. The Counsellor work in collaboration with the teachers and parents to create a healthy learning environment that makes the students feel comfortable. They also help to provide specific solutions to children with particular problems also arrange group & individual counseling sessions time to time.
Parents and Teachers Meeting - Parent teacher meetings are held regularly to discuss a child’s progress in school. The parents meet all the subject teachers to discuss about their child’s intellectual and psychological development. PTM actively encourages the parents to give feedback, suggestions & about any lacuna they perceive about the school’s workings or about their child’s development. These suggestions are taken seriously and worked upon.